Kind to you

kind to the planet


The world of wellness, now more than ever, is creeping into every aspect of all of our lives. We as consumers are becoming more aware of the dangers of sugar and as a result increasingly demand natural alternatives wherever possible.

Studies have shown that diets containing high amounts of added sugar are at risk of compromising our health and wellness. The sweet Plant Co. was born out of our founder Fo’s passion for sharing improved wellness through a range of plant derived natural alternatives to sugar. Those mindful of their sugar, carbohydrate or calorie intake finally have a plant derived 100% natural alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners all in one place. We are driven by our love of natural wellness and dedicated to educating, innovating and sourcing the highest quality options available in the world today.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do and we are committed to ensuring a positive impact on the planet and society.

 Driving positive change together.

 Add a few drops of our calorie free stevia drops to naturally sweeten your hot drinks, bullet proof coffee, herbal teas, kefir, protein shakes, smoothies, porridge, yoghurt and just about anything else!

Our granulated table top erythritol & stevia blend is a direct replacement for sugar with similar characteristics and heat stability when used in baking. It is ideal for use in recipes where the ingredients are being heated as it melts, tastes and combines with other ingredients in a very similar way to sugar without the calories.